Educate And Empower: Making Change by Changing what you think you know.
Plenty here. Consume information. Start the revolution of change
through fiscal leadership.
Get the Truth In Equity. Get more out of what you own and earn.
Take control of your financial life and it will begin to reverse the
adverse affects of the greedy and the blind.
PART I — Goods at the service of needs through Social Credit
Social Credit: not Socialism, not a political party
Chapter 1 — A Few Principles
Chapter 2 — Economics
Chapter 3 — The Consumers
Chapter 4 — Goods
Chapter 5 — Specialization — The Machine
Chapter 6 — Poverty amidst Plenty
Chapter 7 — The Symbol and the Thing
Chapter 8 — The Birth and Death of Money
Chapter 9 — The Monetary Defect
Chapter 10 — Putting the Monetary System Right
Chapter 11 — The Rights of Each One to the Bare Necessities of Life
Chapter 12 — What is a Dividend?
Chapter 13 — Heritage and Heirs
Chapter 14 — The National Dividend
Chapter 15 — Money and Prices
Chapter 16 — Price Adjustment
Chapter 17 — The National Credit
Chapter 18 — The Monetary Mechanism of Social Credit
Part II — A Few Talks and Articles on Various Aspects of Social Credit
Chapter 19 — Society Exists For All Its Members
Chapter 20 — Minimum Security, Maximum Freedom
Chapter 21 — Politics at the Service of the People
Chapter 22 — A Superpower Dominates Governments
Chapter 23 — The Monetary Power Resides in the Banks
Chapter 24 — Liberal Leader Mackenzie King Said in 1935
Chapter 25 — Money, or Credit, Is a Social Instrument
Chapter 26 — The Goldsmith Who Became a Banker, a True Story
Chapter 27 — A Lesson From a Bank Account
Chapter 28 — What Would Social Credit Do For You?
Chapter 29 — Applied Science, a Common Good
Chapter 30 — A Corrupted Monetary System
Chapter 31 — Social Credit puts money in its proper place
Chapter 32 — Should Money Claim Interest?
Chapter 33 — Interest on Newly-Created Money Is Robbery
Chapter 34 — The Public-Debt Problem
Chapter 35 — The Labour Question, A Money Problem
Chapter 36 — There Is No Unemployment Problem
Chapter 37 — Full Income Instead of Full Employment
Chapter 38 — Equality Between Money-Figures and Price-Figures
Chapter 39 — The Environment — Where Money Is Concerned
Chapter 40 — The Government Must Create Its Own Money
Chapter 41 — To Caesar What Is Caesar's
Chapter 42 — For a Better Understanding of Social Credit
Chapter 43 — Social Credit and Foreign Trade
Chapter 44 — At the Retailer's
Chapter 45 — The Stocker's Lesson
Chapter 46 — The Monetization of Progress
Chapter 47 — 30 Million Capitalists
Chapter 48 — Men of the Right, Empty-Handed
Chapter 49 — The History of Banking Control in the United States
Chapter 50 — Social Credit in the United States in 1932
Chapter 51 — The Aim of the Financiers: a One-World Government
Chapter 52 — Social Credit and the teachings of the Popes
Appendix A — Social Credit and the Catholic doctrine, a study by theologians
Appendix B — The Bank of Canada Must Finance our Country, Debt-Free
Appendix C - Money, Questions and Answers, by Father Charles Coughlin
Appendix D — Words of Thomas Edison
Appendix E — Money Is Created by Banks, Evidence Given by Graham Towers
Louis Even — Biographical notes
About Clifford Hugh Douglas
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Banks and Power
Chapter 23 — The Monetary PowerResides in the Banks
(An article of Louis Even, first published in the January,
1970 issue of the Vers Demain Journal.)
The legislative power has its seat in parliaments, since this is
where laws are discussed and voted upon.
The executive power resides in the offices of ministers, since
it is they — the Prime Minister and his Cabinet — who make
the decisions which are carried out by the civil servants.
The judiciary power resides in the courts, since that is where
the judges practice their duties.
And where does the superpower, the monetary power, reside?
The monetary power resides in the banks. It is in the banks that
financial credit is actually created and cancelled.
It is when a bank grants a loan, either to an contractor, a retailer,
or to a government, that new financial credit is created.
The banker credits the borrower's account with the loan granted,
just as if the borrower had deposited that amount. But the borrower
actually neither brought in nor deposited any money, since he came
to the bank to get money he did not have.
The borrower will now be able to issue cheques on this account that
he did not have when he entered the bank, but that he now has upon
leaving the bank.
No account of any other customer of the bank was reduced. This is
therefore a new account, added to the accounts that already exist.
The total credits in the total accounts of the bank are therefore
increased by the amount of this new account.
There is therefore an increase in financial credit, modern money,
which will be put into circulation by the cheques of the borrower
issued on this new credit.
On the contrary, when a borrower comes to the bank to repay his
loan (credit that had previously been borrowed), it reduces the
quantity of credit in circulation accordingly. The total quantity of
blood in the economic life is thus reduced by the same amount.
A simple bookkeeping operation, made with one stroke of the pen,
had created financial credit. Another simple bookkeeping operation,
when the loan is repaid, cancels, destroys this credit.
It is easy to see that, if during a given period of time, the total of
the loans exceeds the total repayments, this puts more credit into
circulation than what is cancelled. On the contrary, if the total of
the repayments exceeds the total of the loans, it causes a period
of reduction of credit from circulation.
If the reduction period persists, the whole economic body is
affected by it: it is called a crisis — a crisis caused by a restriction
of credit.
Since the borrower must pay back more than what was lent to him,
because of the interest, he must withdraw from circulation more
money than what was put into circulation. For this, he must withdraw
from circulation extra money that has been put there by other
As every new credit comes from the banks, under the condition of
paying back more money than the capital amounts loaned out, other
people must also borrow, following the first borrowers. The latter have
even more difficulties in repaying their loans, since they have to find
extra money out of the credit in circulation, which is already reduced
by the amount of money that the first borrower had to repay in interest.
This chain goes on in the same way for the next borrowers, and eventually,
some cannot pay back their loans. Then the banks restrict further loans,
which slows down the whole economic life. But the banks put the blame
for this situation on the population that suffers from it.
In order to have the flow of credit that is required for economic life
resume, the chain of loans will have to take place again, breeding a
bigger and bigger chain of debts.
A tool of the superpower
The present banking system is the instrument used by the monetary
superpower to maintain its supremacy over nations and their
The banks are supported in all this by the ridiculous, politico-financial
rule that binds the distribution of purchasing power to employment,
in a production that requires fewer and fewer employees to supply
the goods necessary for life.
You must not conclude from this that your local banker is part of this
dictatorship. He is only a subordinate who, most likely, is not even
aware that when he inscribes loans in the ledgers of his bank, he creates
credit, and that the repayments inscribed in his ledger destroy, cancel,
this credit.
You may still hear backward scholars deny that the volume of credit in
circulation depends upon the action of the banks. These backward scholars,
who resist the obvious, are an invaluable support to the superpower,
through their ignorance — if it is really ignorance on their part, or through
vested interests that bind them, or through their collusion with a power
which can bring them easy promotions.
Upper-class bankers, on the other hand, know very well that financial
credit, which makes up the bulk of modern money, is created and
cancelled in the ledgers of banks.
A distinguished British banker, the Right Honourable Reginald McKenna,
one-time British Chancellor of the Exchequer, and Chairman of the
Midland Bank, one of the Big Five (five largest banks of England),
addressed an annual general meeting of the shareholders of the bank,
on January 25, 1924, and said (as recorded in his book, Post-War Banking):
“I am afraid the ordinary citizen will not like to be told that the banks
can, and do, create and destroy money. The amount of finance in
existence varies only with the action of the banks in increasing or
decreasing deposits and bank purchases. We know how this is effected.
Every loan, overdraft, or bank purchase creates a deposit, and every
repayment of a loan, overdraft, or bank sale destroys a deposit.”
Having also been Minister of Finance, McKenna knew very well where
the bigger of the two powers — the power of the banks and that of the
sovereign government of the country — resided. And he was frank
enough to state the following, which is very uncommon among bankers
of his level:
“They (the banks) control the credit of the nation, direct the policies
of governments, and keep in the palm of their hands the destinies of
the peoples.”
This is a statement which is in complete agreement with what Pope
Pius XI wrote in his Encyclical Letter Quadragesimo Anno, in 1931,
about “those who, because they hold and control money, are able
also to govern credit and determine its allotment, for that reason
supplying, so to speak, the lifeblood to the entire economic body,
and grasping, as it were, in their hands the very soul of production,
so that no one dare breathe against their will.”
Previous Chapter Contents Next Chapter
(An article of Louis Even, first published in the January,
1970 issue of the Vers Demain Journal.)
The legislative power has its seat in parliaments, since this is
where laws are discussed and voted upon.
The executive power resides in the offices of ministers, since
it is they — the Prime Minister and his Cabinet — who make
the decisions which are carried out by the civil servants.
The judiciary power resides in the courts, since that is where
the judges practice their duties.
And where does the superpower, the monetary power, reside?
The monetary power resides in the banks. It is in the banks that
financial credit is actually created and cancelled.
It is when a bank grants a loan, either to an contractor, a retailer,
or to a government, that new financial credit is created.
The banker credits the borrower's account with the loan granted,
just as if the borrower had deposited that amount. But the borrower
actually neither brought in nor deposited any money, since he came
to the bank to get money he did not have.
The borrower will now be able to issue cheques on this account that
he did not have when he entered the bank, but that he now has upon
leaving the bank.
No account of any other customer of the bank was reduced. This is
therefore a new account, added to the accounts that already exist.
The total credits in the total accounts of the bank are therefore
increased by the amount of this new account.
There is therefore an increase in financial credit, modern money,
which will be put into circulation by the cheques of the borrower
issued on this new credit.
On the contrary, when a borrower comes to the bank to repay his
loan (credit that had previously been borrowed), it reduces the
quantity of credit in circulation accordingly. The total quantity of
blood in the economic life is thus reduced by the same amount.
A simple bookkeeping operation, made with one stroke of the pen,
had created financial credit. Another simple bookkeeping operation,
when the loan is repaid, cancels, destroys this credit.
It is easy to see that, if during a given period of time, the total of
the loans exceeds the total repayments, this puts more credit into
circulation than what is cancelled. On the contrary, if the total of
the repayments exceeds the total of the loans, it causes a period
of reduction of credit from circulation.
If the reduction period persists, the whole economic body is
affected by it: it is called a crisis — a crisis caused by a restriction
of credit.
Since the borrower must pay back more than what was lent to him,
because of the interest, he must withdraw from circulation more
money than what was put into circulation. For this, he must withdraw
from circulation extra money that has been put there by other
As every new credit comes from the banks, under the condition of
paying back more money than the capital amounts loaned out, other
people must also borrow, following the first borrowers. The latter have
even more difficulties in repaying their loans, since they have to find
extra money out of the credit in circulation, which is already reduced
by the amount of money that the first borrower had to repay in interest.
This chain goes on in the same way for the next borrowers, and eventually,
some cannot pay back their loans. Then the banks restrict further loans,
which slows down the whole economic life. But the banks put the blame
for this situation on the population that suffers from it.
In order to have the flow of credit that is required for economic life
resume, the chain of loans will have to take place again, breeding a
bigger and bigger chain of debts.
A tool of the superpower
The present banking system is the instrument used by the monetary
superpower to maintain its supremacy over nations and their
The banks are supported in all this by the ridiculous, politico-financial
rule that binds the distribution of purchasing power to employment,
in a production that requires fewer and fewer employees to supply
the goods necessary for life.
You must not conclude from this that your local banker is part of this
dictatorship. He is only a subordinate who, most likely, is not even
aware that when he inscribes loans in the ledgers of his bank, he creates
credit, and that the repayments inscribed in his ledger destroy, cancel,
this credit.
You may still hear backward scholars deny that the volume of credit in
circulation depends upon the action of the banks. These backward scholars,
who resist the obvious, are an invaluable support to the superpower,
through their ignorance — if it is really ignorance on their part, or through
vested interests that bind them, or through their collusion with a power
which can bring them easy promotions.
Upper-class bankers, on the other hand, know very well that financial
credit, which makes up the bulk of modern money, is created and
cancelled in the ledgers of banks.
A distinguished British banker, the Right Honourable Reginald McKenna,
one-time British Chancellor of the Exchequer, and Chairman of the
Midland Bank, one of the Big Five (five largest banks of England),
addressed an annual general meeting of the shareholders of the bank,
on January 25, 1924, and said (as recorded in his book, Post-War Banking):
“I am afraid the ordinary citizen will not like to be told that the banks
can, and do, create and destroy money. The amount of finance in
existence varies only with the action of the banks in increasing or
decreasing deposits and bank purchases. We know how this is effected.
Every loan, overdraft, or bank purchase creates a deposit, and every
repayment of a loan, overdraft, or bank sale destroys a deposit.”
Having also been Minister of Finance, McKenna knew very well where
the bigger of the two powers — the power of the banks and that of the
sovereign government of the country — resided. And he was frank
enough to state the following, which is very uncommon among bankers
of his level:
“They (the banks) control the credit of the nation, direct the policies
of governments, and keep in the palm of their hands the destinies of
the peoples.”
This is a statement which is in complete agreement with what Pope
Pius XI wrote in his Encyclical Letter Quadragesimo Anno, in 1931,
about “those who, because they hold and control money, are able
also to govern credit and determine its allotment, for that reason
supplying, so to speak, the lifeblood to the entire economic body,
and grasping, as it were, in their hands the very soul of production,
so that no one dare breathe against their will.”
Previous Chapter Contents Next Chapter
Monday, October 20, 2008
Equity Advantage compared to all the others
Regarding a Money Merge Account or Mortgage Accelerator,
we are aware that many may have approached you with conceptually,
something similar.
Because of our success with the program and our position in the
industry we believe we have much more to bring to the table.
The biggest issue for many others is presenting finite, uncontestable,
practical solutions to a consumer.
Bridging the concept and making it easy is at the core a challenge that
we have over come with our proprietary "Truth In Equity Calculator".
Additionally, the real momentum comes in the post closed environment.
Equity Harvesting with responsible leadership gains highly positive results.
If you are a Douglas R. Andrew reader you know that there exists much
better means for building wealth than the 401k mantra and the sit on
equity and wait for appreciation methods of decades old.
To understand a small vision of what we mean watch this video.
The "Equity Advantage" is not just a "Mortgage Accelerator" as others
have tried to market it.
Many companies have tried and failed to deploy methods of cash flow
by dispensing the "First Lien HELOC" or "Money Merge Account"
with much resistance.
The resistance lies mainly in explicative, finite disclosure of all the
working parts.
Revealing the benefits of setting up your own banking system and personal
Federal Reserve, metaphorically speaking, begins the process of effective
investing and harvesting.
See our video on our website:
It would be easy to assume that by merely consolidating debt under one
massive debt structure and cycling income through that revolving line of
credit will gain rapid principal pay off.
Rapid pay off is achieved by simple sweeps methodology of daily reduced
average balance yielding lower daily average interest cost.
This theoretically creates cash flow because monies normally spent on
interest of other debts and expenses now sits against principal instead
of idle in checking or savings.
Great plan. But it's all in the math. Or as we like to say:
"The Truth is in the Proof".
On average most Americans pay bills 7 to 15 days out of the 30 day
billing cycles.
This leaves 15 to 23 days monies could gain dual usage.
Many countries have adopted the "Off Set", methods of savings so that
any monies in other savings or checking accounts immediately "off sets"
any debt with out the money management movement of "Sweeps" and
or "Money Merging".
This makes for a less messy and confusing process.
The mechanics of the money merge or mortgage accelerator lends into
consumer confusion and process complications.
Additionally, HELOC's come in many forms, sizes and shapes.
Dispelling the "RATE" myth is the single most challenging aspect of this
money in motion theory.
Most Americans believe that a 4.5% fixed rate and payment mortgage
will out perform an 8% variable rate line of credit mortgage given equal
expense and income variables.
This is highly inaccurate when it comes to most home owners.
The data and statistics reveal a much different result than most
neophyte financiers and mathemagicians care to review.
Although they all should be, not all HELOC's are the same.
It is important that all aspects of any extension of credit is a viable profit
center for a consumer and not designed to encumber consumer cash flow
or just another flexible debt.
To achieve the maximum use of cash, consumers need a thorough analysis
considering every aspect of use.
Debt structure, repayment timelines, investment advantages, tax implications
and a comprehensive short term and long term plan should be
the only consideration.
This is a lot easier than most would think.
Until recently a simple "holistic" analysis tool has not been available for
examining all the moving parts.
IFS/Truth In Equity has developed the "Truth In Equity" Calculator
for making these analysis projections.
Every possible "What If" can be discovered and discussed with great
Recent conversations between IFS Executives and David M. Walker
(Comptroller General for the GAO) reveals that stewardship is at the
core of our angst in America.
Watch this video:
The Peter G. Peterson foundation has 7 key initiatives that are paramount
to instituting repair to our fiscal deficit.
Financial Literacy, Federal Budget Reform, Entitlement Referendum,
Health Care Reform, Tax Reform, High school level education of fiscal
responsibility and No Proliferation.
IFS/Truth In Equity has embarked on a campaign to assist in instituting
these philosophies and methods at a grass roots level.
Instilling fiscal responsibility at the grass roots level is what
IFS/Truth In Equity has been doing for quite sometime.
We are prepared to expose our data to you so that you may realize the
benefits of our campaign and share our ideas on how you may help
propagate a very viable solution that will benefit all parties.
Please email us so that we may schedule a meeting for a thorough discussion.
David Welles
Chief Operations Officer
IFS Development Group LLC
Truth In Equity Lending
Ofc: 352.688.5941
cell: 727.505.4775
Fax: 813.425.9354
E-Mail: dwelles@IFSDG.Net
Regarding a Money Merge Account or Mortgage Accelerator,
we are aware that many may have approached you with conceptually,
something similar.
Because of our success with the program and our position in the
industry we believe we have much more to bring to the table.
The biggest issue for many others is presenting finite, uncontestable,
practical solutions to a consumer.
Bridging the concept and making it easy is at the core a challenge that
we have over come with our proprietary "Truth In Equity Calculator".
Additionally, the real momentum comes in the post closed environment.
Equity Harvesting with responsible leadership gains highly positive results.
If you are a Douglas R. Andrew reader you know that there exists much
better means for building wealth than the 401k mantra and the sit on
equity and wait for appreciation methods of decades old.
To understand a small vision of what we mean watch this video.
The "Equity Advantage" is not just a "Mortgage Accelerator" as others
have tried to market it.
Many companies have tried and failed to deploy methods of cash flow
by dispensing the "First Lien HELOC" or "Money Merge Account"
with much resistance.
The resistance lies mainly in explicative, finite disclosure of all the
working parts.
Revealing the benefits of setting up your own banking system and personal
Federal Reserve, metaphorically speaking, begins the process of effective
investing and harvesting.
See our video on our website:
It would be easy to assume that by merely consolidating debt under one
massive debt structure and cycling income through that revolving line of
credit will gain rapid principal pay off.
Rapid pay off is achieved by simple sweeps methodology of daily reduced
average balance yielding lower daily average interest cost.
This theoretically creates cash flow because monies normally spent on
interest of other debts and expenses now sits against principal instead
of idle in checking or savings.
Great plan. But it's all in the math. Or as we like to say:
"The Truth is in the Proof".
On average most Americans pay bills 7 to 15 days out of the 30 day
billing cycles.
This leaves 15 to 23 days monies could gain dual usage.
Many countries have adopted the "Off Set", methods of savings so that
any monies in other savings or checking accounts immediately "off sets"
any debt with out the money management movement of "Sweeps" and
or "Money Merging".
This makes for a less messy and confusing process.
The mechanics of the money merge or mortgage accelerator lends into
consumer confusion and process complications.
Additionally, HELOC's come in many forms, sizes and shapes.
Dispelling the "RATE" myth is the single most challenging aspect of this
money in motion theory.
Most Americans believe that a 4.5% fixed rate and payment mortgage
will out perform an 8% variable rate line of credit mortgage given equal
expense and income variables.
This is highly inaccurate when it comes to most home owners.
The data and statistics reveal a much different result than most
neophyte financiers and mathemagicians care to review.
Although they all should be, not all HELOC's are the same.
It is important that all aspects of any extension of credit is a viable profit
center for a consumer and not designed to encumber consumer cash flow
or just another flexible debt.
To achieve the maximum use of cash, consumers need a thorough analysis
considering every aspect of use.
Debt structure, repayment timelines, investment advantages, tax implications
and a comprehensive short term and long term plan should be
the only consideration.
This is a lot easier than most would think.
Until recently a simple "holistic" analysis tool has not been available for
examining all the moving parts.
IFS/Truth In Equity has developed the "Truth In Equity" Calculator
for making these analysis projections.
Every possible "What If" can be discovered and discussed with great
Recent conversations between IFS Executives and David M. Walker
(Comptroller General for the GAO) reveals that stewardship is at the
core of our angst in America.
Watch this video:
The Peter G. Peterson foundation has 7 key initiatives that are paramount
to instituting repair to our fiscal deficit.
Financial Literacy, Federal Budget Reform, Entitlement Referendum,
Health Care Reform, Tax Reform, High school level education of fiscal
responsibility and No Proliferation.
IFS/Truth In Equity has embarked on a campaign to assist in instituting
these philosophies and methods at a grass roots level.
Instilling fiscal responsibility at the grass roots level is what
IFS/Truth In Equity has been doing for quite sometime.
We are prepared to expose our data to you so that you may realize the
benefits of our campaign and share our ideas on how you may help
propagate a very viable solution that will benefit all parties.
Please email us so that we may schedule a meeting for a thorough discussion.
David Welles
Chief Operations Officer
IFS Development Group LLC
Truth In Equity Lending
Ofc: 352.688.5941
cell: 727.505.4775
Fax: 813.425.9354
E-Mail: dwelles@IFSDG.Net
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